Saturday, November 26, 2011

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Treepocalypse 2011

(Insurance company totalled the car - crushed hood, crushed roof and bent frame)

My parent's lost power at about 3:00pm on Saturday, and got it back at 3:30pm on Friday.  The branches have been moved out of the driveway and cut up a bit, but our tree service wont be back for a few more days - just way to many trees down.  We are going to have to take at least one tree down as a result of the storm - it actually wasn't badly damaged, but it revealed that it is hollow inside (yikes).

But besides a bruised shoulder on my part (HUGE chunk of wet snow came down out of a tree while I was out walking - OW) everyone is fine.

Cleaning up after the storm

These past two weeks have been a little crazy.  Work, Weather and having my parents stay at my 1 bedroom apartment with me because they didnt have power last week have kept me away from the computer.   I have photos to post from the treepocalypse that was my parents house, and hopefully I can get out of town and hike tomorrow.