Sunday, July 11, 2010

Summer Time

This summer certainly has been an adventure, and its only the beginning of July!  We are starting our third week of camp on Monday, and my co-counselor B and I are taking some kids on an adventure on Lake George!  I am very excited and hope we have some awesome weather.  The heat from last week basically made our kids LOOSE THEIR MINDS.  We took them to an amusement park on Wed and they were quite a handful.  They just couldn't control themselves, and at one point they actually were trying to cut in line while I was watching.  Needless to say they got a lecture from me about that!  We did get to ride on almost all the rides we wanted to, plus because of the heat, there were hardly any lines!  That night, however, I managed to miss some steps while I was headed to bed and sprained my ankle really badly.  Yay midnight visits to the ER!  I am doing better and hopefully it wont hinder my fun on the lake this week. 

I havent been taking many pictures this summer, but I did mangage to take some while the kids were biking on Friday. Obviously I didnt get to ride (BOO) but it was a beautiful day none the less.  

Hope everyone has a great week!!



  1. damn em! your ankle is a hot mess!
    not gonna lie i miss you like crazy! can you come play in philly some time?

  2. ouch on the ankle! sounds like you are having fun!
    when i'm home in august we must hang out.
    plus i owe you all of my sailing experience, haha!
